Thank you for considering giving to the ministries of Redeemer Bible Church. There are three ways you may give to the ministry of Redeemer Bible Church of Oceanside:
1. Online: You can give safely online by check card or credit card. RBC accepts Visa or MasterCard. Scheduled automatic payments are also available for your convenience. Click Here for Online Giving
2. Giving Box: You can also write a manual check or donate cash at our Giving Box during Sunday morning service. Envelopes are available to designate accounts you wish to give to.
3. Mail: You can also manually mail or "Bill Pay" checks (from your financial institution) to our mailbox. (Please do not send donations to our meeting place at the Avenida de la Plata address).
Rather, simply send donations to our mailbox at:
Redeemer Bible Church
603 Seagaze Dr., #986
Oceanside, CA 92054
If you have any questions regarding giving, please direct your inquiries to: